Page Summation: Thoughts about the first image | Points of Light Open Gallery |
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You have landed in the Accidental Beam Me Up Gallery
This gallery was originally intended to provide a temporary landing spot for unintentional visitors - but it's growing, so whether you're here because certain links are not yet active, or because you clicked on the "Accidental Gallery" link, or because something didn't quite go as planned, enjoy the visit!
Accidental Beam-Me-Up Gallery
Whether you're here by accident or to explore, I hope you're Trekkie enough to enjoy the "Beam Me Up" images in the gallery.
Please remember, all images are copyrighted so if you want to use any of them for a book cover or magazine illustration, be sure to write for permission and send a check.
Also, while you're here, I thought you might enjoy a short "Abstract Video Poem" from my Zeusman collection portraying one of God's ideas (to create some thing - i.e., the First Atom) and a little space for it to live in, as well. The musical accompaniment is an original piece by Kevin MacLeod.
Flash Video Player Goes Here